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A long time ago, one of the crew I hung with challenged me to "draw something not military related". I asked him for ideas and he said "draw a street punk". I thought that sounded like a cool idea and came up with the character of "Vixette d'Punque". Of course I was still in my early-to-mid-'90's furry phase so the character was based on a fox. Above: the computer line art I completed just a few days ago from the barely-legible old pencil sketch I found.

Above: the original pencil sketch, after years in storage.

Some more Vixette. She was a lot of fun but I had no intent to go anywhere with the character as far as long term. 

I also got to practice drawing someone knife-fighting, which I have to admit isn't something I normally even think about a lot, much less actually draw.

Doing "street" scenes made me think in new directions, though, and the lesson learned was :push your boundaries and try new things! 

By the way the friend who challenged me asked, "why is she doing so much fighting? I asked you to try drawing a street punk" and I reminded him, "you said something non-military, not non-violent", and he had to admit that was spot on. 

Stretch yourself... but stay comfortable!



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