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 I hope everyone is doing well; I have some stuff coming very soon. I hope folks don't mind, I took a couple weeks off after finishing BOHICA Blues. I mean, I took two weeks off from my day job and am spending it lounging and playing "Last Of Us Part 2" and doing some hiking, and getting a few things done around the house I have been putting off.

Many folks reading this know that my mom passed away recently. I have also spent a lot of time over at her house clearing things out, which is a pretty big task... especially since it is guaranteed that I will find an old photo album or something and end up following a path down memory lane for hours without realizing it. 

The flip side is, I am also uncovering tons of old art and comics I did! So there will be some more stuff coming soon. Some of it is pretty goofy. 

In the meantime, I wanted to share some fanfic stories that readers wrote and sent to me that were inspired by the "Empires" universe. Many of these got published in the pages of YARF! fanzine and so were directly related to characters and actions that the public had already read. I will share them here for those who are interested in more adventures in the Empires universe (of which there will be a LOT more of that kind of stuff coming soon). 

There are also stories coming that have no relation whatsoever to the story that took place in YARF! and some will, in fact, begin featuring the alien cast instead of the furry one.

So anyhow, a few text pages with limited illustration will be coming, and that is why. I will be back to publishing more original stuff soon. Until then, take care and stay safe!


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