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Immediately after my dog, Sadie, was put to rest, I drew some doodles of her final moments. I had three other dogs before Sadie but I had *never* been there for them when they died; I was always away somewhere else when they passed away. This was the first time I got to be there and it left a profound impact on me, especially since she had been so meaningful to me in life for 13 years (which was also the longest I'd ever had a dog). 

At the time I drew these I was deep in pain. And, of course, I had no idea that three months later I'd be losing my Mom as well.
Some final doodles of Sadie:

This was how we layed her out on the blanket; paws outstretched so she could receive the injection, with the saline lock already taped in place.

She was very peaceful. The saying "she looks like she could be sleeping" is real. It made me hesitant to leave, because I swore she'd wake up, it looked so natural. 

In life, she was truly a championship barker! That girl always had something to say.

But this is pretty much how I always remember her, in a sort of fantasy alternate reality dog world. She was my goodest girl. 

Okay, I hope that wasn't too much of a downer. Until next week!




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