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Battalion Roster so far. A few more changes have been made to the rewards tiers. I've eliminate done of the two "1st Sergeant" positions, since realistically I would only be able to support one person at that level with expanded artwork. And a company would only have 1 1st Sergeant anyway.

Also, I've eliminated one of the five "Platoon Sergeant" positions, for much the same reason: it would be difficult for me to support a whole lot of new characters since I already have an ensemble cast to start with and I can't guarantee I'd do justice to five Patrons at that level. I am still working to get Jeb Folds's character design finished due to some recent RL commitments. And, again, a reflection of reality; there'd only be 4 Platoon sergeants in a Company anyway. 

Still, I have Doodles and BOHICA Blues Downrange! loaded through April and part of May, and getting the rest of the "EMPIRES" chapters loaded. I haven't done much with "future projects" lately because, well, I haven't done much with future projects lately. From January 4th to February 16th I was involved in a six-week Army training course so I was just able to maintain minimum levels of activity here. 

I'm going to start doing some letter-writing to see if I can shake loose information for "The Wolf Project", a future comic I want to do that details the real-life world of Yellowstone wolves released in 1996. I've also sent out some character sketch challenges for local artists to draw characters for a Medieval fantasy comic as well. And I am going to start doing pencil tests for my science-fiction action-adventure series, a reboot of the "Empires" story seen here at the Sergeant level.

The "Empires" re-boot will be just that, a complete re-boot, no furries and with a few other minor stylistic changes. I took a lot of shortcuts back in the 1990's because I was struggling to meet deadlines while also struggling to pay rent, food, bills, etc. The story will be entirely new, and feature more space ship action as well. 

That's the latest-- I hope everyone has a good month and I'll see you in the funny pages. 



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