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One of my Patrons, Sam Davis, is at the Platoon sergeant level, so he gets a character in the story! I have been way too slow to include this character, partly because of a busy real-life schedule but also because I had a specific time period and in-story event I wanted to take place to start bringing lots of new people. 

Sam Davis's character will be a new Second Lieutenant that joins the Battalion in upcoming stories. He will be loosely based on the real person, since of course some things have to be changed to fit the story and setting. 

For Patrons of the "Platoon Sergeant" rank and higher, characters will be made up for them and, where practical, they will be inserted into the story.  I have also made brief mentions or guest appearances by other Patrons, such as Rob Wilson and Chris Hopkins. I will probably be mentioning just about all of my Patrons at some point or another, like when a list of names need to be mentioned for something ("Who's on guard duty tonight?" "Oh, we put Private _______ on it." --that sort of thing). 

This is just a rough draft; color versions will be done soon. Stay tuned for more as the comic continues! 



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