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A long time ago, I posted some WIPs (Works In Progress) of a Star Wars character.

The character is Tavion Axmis, and she exists in Star Wars canon as a character from a video game released in the early 2000s, a Sith apprentice that originally played a minor role.

There is an online collaborative fan story called "Star Wars: Rebuilding of Empires" that takes place in an alternate universe version of Star Wars*. It started 20 years ago, and I have been participating in it for the entire run of the story. It's had slow periods and fast ones, and recently it is starting to experience a bit of a rebirth after a long period of inactivity.

Anyhow, I took the character of Tavion Axmis and used her in my story, and she's had a pretty epic story arc. She started out as a Sith of modest power, and rose to become a powerful fighter and master of "battle meditation" in the Force. She's undergone a lot of development and is now more of a Grey (some would say Dark) Jedi, having changed over time after years of evil. The character as I portray her is now in her fifties, still a powerful blademaster but a bit more introspective and mellower in some ways, and married with three kids.

An earlier WIP I posted many months ago:

 Later, posted here at Patreon, was another WIP:


Another more developed version posted here on Patreon at the same time:

Anyhow, the character is one of many main characters in the story who is currently about 2/3rds through a recent character development arc with some of her extended family and the Jedi order she has attached herself to. One of the things she's had to learn over the years is restraint and patience for others, and accepting responsibility for her past actions and making up for them.

She's an interesting character who's had to travel a long, hard road but by far not the only one.

Check out the whole story here, but remember, "Rebuilding of Empires" has been going on for 20 years, so it is not a casual afternoon read.


Some of the writers are excellent, some... well, everyone starts out as an amateur at some point, and hopefully move up from there. People have joined and left, some left after years and just quit, some left after just one or two posts. But there's a core of writers that have been collaborating on it for much of its run.

*The "alternate history" starts at the time of the Dark Horse Comics story "Dark Empire", published in the early 1990's. In this alternate version, all the main forces of the New Republic and the last forces of the Empire mutually destroyed each other in a clash over Coruscant, and all the main characters were killed. The Galaxy was left with sectors, systems, and planets adhering to whichever system of government they felt best suited them, so some formed new Empires, some formed new Republics, and others took independent paths or brought back old systems that worked for them before, such as the Mandalorians and the Hutts. 



Lilith Iden

It amazes me how long RoE have been going on. It also amazes me how you took Tavion, a character I thought as of okay in Jedi Knights 2, and turned her into one of the most important Star Wars characters for me that I actively look forward to see more of and get inspired by. Same with Maris Brood but I were always more partial towards her because she is an awesome Zabrak. You got plenty of other characters I like but among your original ones I say Irena was my favourite, she helped so many of my characters and through them indirectly me. When she died it actually felt like I had lost a friend.