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To all my Level 5 Patrons. 

- Starting November 1st, the highest tier to access new content here on Patreon, will be Level 3 (15 usd) please change to Level 3 if you wish to continue supporting and have access to all the new content.

- Tiers now display updated information about the new reward format.

- Level 5 reward for October will be released soon, and you will have access to it for the entire month of November as well.


After thinking about it very carefully, I have finally decided what the changes for my Patreon are going to be, and also when these changes will be made effective. 

The Changes

This is how the new Tiers of this Patreon will look like in the near future.

 Level 1 - $5 USD: 

- Access to 3 New Pictures of my main series, Every Day. These series are hundreds of pictures long and its production never stops, one series is finished, another will follow immediately.

Level 2 - $10 USD: 

- Access to Level 1 content.

- Access to the Community Series, a series where you as a Level 2 Patron can Vote and choose everything about it, theme, plot, characters, etc. You can also choose when a series ends and a new one begins. 20 New Pictures will be published every month.

Level 3 - $15 USD:

- Access to Level 1, and Level 2 content.

- Access to an extra 50 Pictures series each month. These series will complement my main ones, giving them extra depth, this Tier will give you the Full Mango3D Experience.

- Access to the Animation Blogs, here I will share my progress and experience in my long journey of properly learning 3D animation, I will take you with me step by step and when I do my first Animation Tests, you will be the First One to see them.

The Archive - $60 USD:

- Access to Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 content.

- Access to all the content produced from 2018 to 2022, this includes the entire Phase 1 of the Mangoverse, commissions, collaborations and secondary series, more than 10,000 pictures.

When will these changes be made?

As soon as my Irish Lioness Vol.2 series is finished, that should be around October or November.

What is Mangoverse Phase 2?

The end of Irish Lioness Vol.2 will also be the end of Phase 1 of the Mangoverse I'm talking about my main series, Fighter's Pride, Red Alert, Iron Bunny, Demon-Hornet, and Irish Lioness, along with other complementary series like Heel VS Heel, and Konna's Nightmare. Phase 2 will start off strong with Fighter's Pride Vol.3, when that happens all Phase 1 content will only be accessible through the "The Archive" tier, so please download everything now that you can.

What can we expect in Phase 2?

In addition to continuing working on The Mangoverse, I also want to expand Sora's universe, so far I have 3 new series in mind for that, those series are, Konna the Barbarian, Demon Buster, and the revamp of a classic. Do you remember the Royal Tournament? I want to remake that series, with new characters, deeper story, and a slightly different name, The Imperial Tournament.

Why these changes will be made?

I've already talked about this, but just in case you don't know. The hard truth is, I'm no spring chicken anymore, the amount of work I currently do is too much, it's unsustainable, so I need to cut out the fat and focus on the content that I really want to work on. Also, I really want to start learning animation, I think the future of my content has to be 3D animation, but first I have to get good at it, and that takes time, something I don't have right now with the amount of work I currently do. 

In Conclusion...

I want to keep creating content for as long as I can, so I have to be smart and stop overworking, I know these changes are quite drastic but they are very necessary, I need to keep my health in check, I hope you understand. Please let me know about any questions that you may have, and as always, thank you very much for your constant support, I couldn't do any of this without you.

- El Mango Recargado 




The Archives, $99 only? You're selling yourself too cheap. Years of hard work have gone into the Archives. 10,000 pictures. For $99? You should think it over... Even if you asked 10 cents only per picture - and that would be a steal if you think about time and effort that you invested - the Archives would be worth $1,000. You really should think it over. 👍


Some change is necessary, especially for your health. I will continue to support and look forward to everything you’ve done and will do in the future.


Will the Imperial Tournament possibly be open to newcomers?


Yes, it's kinda cheap for the amount of content you get, but at the same time I don't want it to be prohibitively expensive either, all the time and effort I put into creating this content won't mean anything if people can't get it and enjoy it. And also yes, this Tier is meant to be one payment only, there is no reason to stay in this Tier for more than one month, unless you have a really slow internet connection. =P


Thank you my friend, I guess it took me a while to realize that this is a marathon, not a race.


The Imperial Tournament is part of Phase 2 of the Mangoverse, or in this case, the Soraverse, I guess. I still don't know if it will be available for Level 1 or Level 3 Patrons, but it won't be part of the Archive, that's for sure.


Yes, that's how I understood it. I mean it is your decision of course, and that's a very generous offer for new patrons, no doubt.