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'Yes, ...yes I am jealous. I don't want anyone else to look at you..." [Community Poll]

  • I would want my partner to be jealous/possessive over me. 💘 22
  • As long as it's not too extreme, it's okay i guess! 🐧 10
  • No, i don't think any form of jealousy or possessiveness is good. 😑 0
  • 2024-02-17
  • 32 votes
{'title': '\'Yes, ...yes I am jealous. I don\'t want anyone else to look at you..." [Community Poll]', 'choices': [{'text': 'I would want my partner to be jealous/possessive over me. 💘', 'votes': 22}, {'text': "As long as it's not too extreme, it's okay i guess! 🐧", 'votes': 10}, {'text': "No, i don't think any form of jealousy or possessiveness is good. 😑", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 17, 13, 47, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 32}


What do you think of Jealousy and Possessiveness? Are you a jealous person yourself? Vote down below & comment your thoughts!

Hello hello Pengus! 🐧💘

I hope you are all doing good and taking care (as always). It's time for another community poll! It has been a long while since the last one - but I want to try my best to interact more with the community we have here on patreon from now on, where everyone should feel comfortable and heard! 😊

 I'd like to hear about your thoughts and opinions, so if you are not tooo shy, don't hold back from commenting something (but of course, you don't have to!). 😉

I have an idea for an upcoming exclusive patreon audio - with jealousy/possessiveness in it - so in regards of that I wanted to do a little community poll and see where everyone's at! 💭

So for me... yes to both. If my significant other is possessive over me i wouldn't mind - rather find it pretty nice. But, by that I don't mean a controlling possessive ("don't meet with your friends", "don't work at that place" stuff like that). More of a,,,,,,,,.... "you're only mine", "i don't want anyone else looking at you";;;; type of possessive. And jealousy? I mean, i wouldn't give you any reason to bee jealous (because I'd only have eyes for you) but even if you were in certain instances ;; ("did you see how he looked at you?" - *puts arm around you and pulls you in closer*) ;; i wouldn't mind. 

I know i apprear goofy and chaotic mosttt of the time, but i promise I can also be calm and collected. 😌😌 Comment #CCD for a calm and collected daliah! 

AAAANyway enough about my chitchat haha - what do you think?

I'm curious...

much much love, daiah



I like it when my partner would be protective and somewhat possessive over me. I adore tall, strong muscle girls that can just grab and carry me and show everyone "he is mine". But I do hate it when they would be manipulative, controlling my life and be overly jealous, limiting my life. I really love women that can protect me at any cost while providing me a safe space to be weak and vulnerable in.


I think jealousy is a proof of care and love (but too much would be oppressing/tiring)