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"i get to leave hickeys and marks all across your body, just to remind you who you belong to. that is, if youโ€™d let me, of course." (script by echo-writing)

I reuploaded the AUDIO FILE hoping it will work on mobile too now!

Another exclusive long audio for the month of february.... i hope you like it? ;)  What other kind of exclusive audios do you want to see on my patreon? I'm slowly getting back into my routine :-) <3!!

Would you ever have agreed to such a "fake dating contract" with your boss? 

Much much love, 





this was so good ๐Ÿซฃ "wouldnt it be funny if we dated for real ๐Ÿ‘€" moment


I'm not sure if it's just me but this audio won't load on the mobile app, for whatever reason. It seems to work perfectly fine on the browser though. Either way, love the content Daliah.

daliah asmr

no you are totally right!! doesnt work for me either...! hm! i dont know why though...ill try to figure it out! thanks for letting me know!! laso happy you like it <33