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Are you someone that can easily express their feelings and emotions? Or is it harder for you to do so? 

I think for me it depends, on the person and situation - but usually i can express my feelings well, because to me communication is important. I don't like uncertainty, because it makes me worry too much. So I prefer clearing the air! 

Much love, Daliah




Every time I showed my emotions or feelings, it was bad. I weirded out people, made me look like a creep or a man child or was bullied for it. Even my parents thought I was annoying. So, no πŸ˜€πŸ‘ But people often say I do when I don't realize it, so subconsciously, I do it a lot.


man now im thinking about how i would personally react if someone confessed to me 🫣 and i think i'd derail the confession by being like "elaborate and tell me more about why" πŸ₯Έ

daliah asmr

lol i think i would do the same...like "what? you LOVE me? like are you sure?" haha

daliah asmr

Oh..i am so sorry to hear that Naraksama, that is definetly not what you deserved. :( <3 I hope you know that it was not you that was the problem - i hope you can keep on expressing ur emotions more often!