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Who doesn't love cuddling up with a cute lamia when it's cold outside? Especially when the two of you may have been harboring a crush for a while...

It’s the middle of winter, you’re dealing with anxiety issues, and your heater broke. Luckily for you and your lamia roommate, there might be a solution that benefits you both. [script by coleblackblood] 

.... another lamia audio coming up to my youtube -- and just for you guys this version includes the kisses! <3 :) i hope you enjoy this audio and it makes you all cuddly n happy! 

much love, dali! 




more lamia 🥰 every time i get the notification you made a new post i get so happy to listen to it! your laughs during the tickling part was my favorite and this story is so sweet it has a good blend of childhood friend trope + comfort + reverse comfort

daliah asmr

ahwww i am so happy it does <33! the ticklung part was so fun to do heheh!! i liked the story as well!! (while youtube's human reviewer labeles it as adult content...)