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A little sneakpeak into what the audio editing process looks like when doing a collab..! It is a lot of cutting and gluing together - which is to tedious and takes so much time haha! No imagine that with MULTIPLE people (like the Cat Mansion) or just a generally very long audio...!!! But - Collabs are so fun to make, so I don't really mind! 🤍😂 [I'm editing on my phone].

FYI, I didn't give an early-access on this audio, since unfortunately I had some troubles with the audio file and couldn't get it done in time next to my exams. I hope you understand. ✨️💃

Lastly, stay tuned...there will be another patreon-exclusive tomorrow for this month!! 😝

Now...Good night!
Much love, Daliah!



layering the audio clips out 😩 all good daliah :3 that new audio was really fun to listen to