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It's a cold night, and a snow storm is passing overhead. As you sit watching T.V. someone suddenly pulls into the driveway of your house. It’s your wife. Your wife has just come back early from what was meant to be a two week long business trip and is more than happy to see you again. She settles back into her home and after embracing each other she offers to make dinner for the both of you, as a way of saying sorry for her absence. Although she appears to be the same kind and loving w wife you married, you can’t help but notice how strange she’s acting. You tell yourself it’s probably nothing, maybe you’re just being paranoid, but something about  her is off. It’s undeniable. [BY cherryteacup]

hi....this time a bit crazier....! what do you think? <3 also, i need title suggestions asap since not 100% with mine! :) <3 

Much love, Daliah 




oh my goodness 😳 daliah you make the scariest yandere and i love it the way you keep calling the listener "baby," the way your calm tone has it feel like the listener's fate is inevitable~ so good and balanced with the playful yandere laugh i think for titles maybe like "Yandere Wife returns home early after missing you" or "Yandere Wife returns home with a surprise" "Ice Cold Yandere traps you" "Yandere forces you to warm up to her" i think for thumbnail text the first thing that popped into my mind was "Did you miss me darling?"

daliah asmr

thehehe thank you phibi!!! this was fun to make honestly, I wanted to do some horror-y one for a while now (even though I still want to go for another kind of horror!). Hmmm the titles are not necessarily bad, but I'm not sold yet. Did you miss me, Darling. That's a nice one. I'll think about it. Thanks Phibs