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You collapse in front of the house of a group of nekos who aren't exactly the most comfortable with humans! With a minor head injury and nowhere to go, you have to convince their temporary housemates that they're friendly, or else!

Thanks to ShortcakeAsmr, CountessRoseAsmr, MaladaptiveDaydream and DreamPishiVA for helping me with this collab! Let me know what you think of it, if you enjoyed it, what can be improved annnd if you'd want more of big collabs like this in the future? :D 

Script by SpoonmasterGeneral




You all did an amazing job. Hana was my favorite. So precious, must protect. This may just be your best audio yet. Thank you so much. 🤍

daliah asmr

Thank you so much, Dan. Also I agree... Hana was soo cute, I always wanted to hug her. Thank you so much for your words, Dan. Means a lot ❤️

David Searle

Waking up after being catatonic I thought I could be in a catastrophic situation! But with some careful nuzzling into a more purrrfect position I managed to sooth my new neko masters heckles to come out with out a scratch! 🆗 enough kitten with you 🙀 a wonderful job all around and your role venus was my favourite as she is the mothering one 💕