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Life doesn't always go as planned - goals are postponed and changes occur... but don't be let down, it'll work out again.

Much much love, 





"Life doesn't always go as planned" describes every day of march for me. Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. Only today I found out I have to do a 3000€ surgery to remove my wisdom teeth. Let's see how long I can postpone it to save the money for it... Besides that, I just realized how fluent you already are with this consonant popping tingle. It sounds much better and you sound much clearer than before!


i needed this today things definitely switched up recently so i've been trying to adjust 🤭

daliah asmr

I am glad it might have helped -- you got this, whatever may br coming your way, don't let your guard down. You made it this far and its not the end yet ♥️

daliah asmr

Oh, I am sorry to heat that, Naraksama. I can imagine that to be very stressful and taxing on you. I hope your wisdom teeth don't hurt too much or cause trouble. I am wishing you all the best & hoping you can get the money for it. Thank you very much for the feedback - surely, i still have many ways to improve but I am trying as much as I can