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Hey y'all! I'm wrapping up editing on a video, and I realized that I got an extended countdown toward the end of the video wrong in a couple places (I say, "10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1.") My instinct is that I'd like to dub over the incorrect numbers with voice recordings of me saying the correct numbers, but I'm a little concerned that it might be distracting if people see that there are brief moments where the audio isn't quite matching what my mouth is doing. But then, of course, me getting the number sequence wrong in two places is also distracting. So, I can't decide which to go for ... dub over the recording in a few places, and risk people being taken out of the experience if they notice the editing, or leave it the way it is and risk people being distracted by the mistakes.

What do you think?



Thank you everyone! I wound up dubbing over SOME of the numbers, but not all of them.


I can't imagine my eyes would even be open by the end.

Kate OfTheSea

Lol for real. If it's toward the end, I highly doubt I'll be conscious enough to even realize! ❤️