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Hey y'all!

Update: I'm currently working on finally recording and editing all the additional audio needed for my "3 Clones" role play, which has been sort of languishing in my vault for a long time now. It will involve an ear exam and cleaning with simultaneous temple massage. I'm hoping to get it completed by the end of this month, but I'm honestly not sure how realistic that is.

Question: I've been generally interested in incorporating additional relaxation techniques into some of my videos, both established and experimental. I've been watching a lot of hypnosis videos lately, and also listening to a variety of podcasts and TED talks about the different ways our minds process things (I'm a big Radiolab fan, among others). I'm wondering, can any of you recommend any specific resources for learning about hypnosis? There's a lot out there, but I'm especially interested in the why/how of certain techniques (to the extent that they're understood). Additionally/alternately, if there are any hypnosis videos/channels/etc. that you especially like, please let me know!






I'm afraid I can other no advice. But can I say that your posts about upcoming content really makes my day. You create content without equal, in my opinion, and it really feels so natural and comforting. As if you were really there with me. Thank you 🤗


It's a shame you can't enjoy your content the way we do, it's incredibly relaxing and sanity restoring.