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Hey y'all!

I've been working on an idea for a collaboration video and I'm trying to decide how many artists I want to aim for. I've seen (and taken part in) collaboration videos that involved a dozen or more artists with their own segments, and those can be really fun! At the same time, I want to create something that will be a solid stand-alone video with re-watch value, and I'm wondering how many people just sort of skim through those really long collabs and then move on to more traditional videos.

My video idea could work with as few as one other artist, but could accommodate any number of creators. So, I'm curious for your insight: How do you feel about multi-creator collaboration videos? How many artists is too many? How long is too long?

Please leave a comment below or, if you'd prefer, you can respond anonymously via this online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FCYKFRM

REMINDER: Patron-only live stream tomorrow night at 7:30PM CST!





Not gonna lie, I'm not big on collab vids. There are some ASMRtists, while talented and hard-working, with whom I just can't "resonate", for lack of a better term. As has been said in previous comments, the more artists included, the more likely this becomes. I will still watch anything you produce, but for me, I doubt anything with more than two artists would work as something that really itches that ASMR spot, and that I could watch over again. Two artists can work together, and come up with a concept and execution that really resonates with both of their respective styles. For every additional artist, the chance that things just won't "click" increases. I feel like I'm being a bit picky here, but then again, ASMR appeals to us sensitive people who tend to fixate on details that other folks might miss. But that's really just my thoughts from a pure ASMR standpoint. Like I said, I will watch regardless, and maybe it wcould work out and perhaps even connect me to another ASMRtist or two whom I can follow. To me, JB has always stood out in the ASMRtist community as a creator whose genuine empathy and compassion for her audience defines her work, and I imagine she would prefer to work with others who share the same values. All the best to you, JB. Keep being amazing.


My favourite collab vids have been ones where one extra person was needed for a specific role.