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1. I’ve had a couple of requests for a Patron Discord (similar to a chat room, for those who aren’t familiar). Before I spend too much time considering it and deciding how I might run it, I would first like to establish if there’s significant interest in the idea. What do you think?

(I suspect there may be a “What’s Discord?” question or two out there, so if any of you are more familiar with it than I am and would like to respond to those, that would be super helpful.)

2. I currently have footage for 5 videos filmed! All of them need editing, and a few need additional audio. I’ll be traveling next week, but I then have at least 3 more videos I’d like to film ASAP. While I’m not sure I can keep up this pace long term, I *really* want to get y’all plenty of good, early access content in February for our little “JBG Patron Appreciation Month”. I’ll be recording the extra audio I need tonight, so wish me sleepy children and quiet neighbors!❤️






A disco would be pretty great. I dunno if it would be best served as patron only but either way it'd be a fun time


disco is so 70s but retro is in so yeah