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If you see ads on my videos on my MAIN channel, they should ONLY be at the very beginning of the video. (The videos on my ad-free channel should, obviously, be completely ad-free.) Creators have control over where the ads appear, and I've chosen to never include an ad in the middle or end of the video. If you ever see an ad anywhere but the beginning, PLEASE let me know. I've gotten a couple of complaints about it, and I'm trying to figure out if they were a fluke, a misunderstanding, or if I need to get in touch with YouTube.







This should be the standard of ASMR creators. Nothing worse than an unexpected ad in or after ASMR.


I generally believe in refraining from criticizing other artists—I know I've made choices myself that some others wouldn't agree with—but I will say that this is one practice that has always bothered me.


People should consider YouTube Premium. It isn't much per month, you'll never see an ad again, and the Content Creator gets a cut. I've had it for 2 years and it's money well spent.


I love YouTube Premium! Since it pays out creators in relationship to watch time, most ASMR creators stand to earn MORE that way because our videos tend to be so long. As a consumer, I also really love being able to listen with the app closed and being able to download videos for offline viewing. For those who can swing $12 a month (I know not everyone can) it's a great deal. I don't believe it's available internationally though.