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Hello beloved patrons! I went to a local Patreon event recently and I've been thinking about y'all a LOT. I've recently taken a step back to reevaluate my goals for YouTube and how I want to run things, and I've been reminded that viewer interaction is a BIG part of what brings me joy in my YouTube journey. In keeping with that, I'd like to spend the next couple of months really working on making this Patreon space serve all of us in the most enjoyable and efficient way possible. I have some things in mind, but first, I could REALLY use your feedback.

1. This link will bring you to an anonymous survey about your ideal Patreon experience with me. It includes 3 short multiple choice questions and one opportunity to leave feedback. It would mean the world to me if you'd gift me with 2-5 minutes of your time to fill it out. 

Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6PDJ93Z

2. When I changed the perk structure a few months ago, there were a handful of patrons who were left with unfulfilled perks. Because of the way Patreon is set up, it's very challenging to figure out who those people are. If you could do me A HUGE favor and—if you're owed a perk—fill out this claim form, it would make verifying that information manually a lot easier. I'd like to finally make good on those missing perks before thinking about bringing any perks back or offering new ones. 

Claim Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6J8MNXL

Thank you all so much for your time and your support. I really do love you and appreciate you. You make my life easier, and I want to make sure I'm holding up my end by making videos that make YOUR life easier.





np, I joined late in the game anyone so I'm not owed perks or such. The survey is a nice touch.


Lol, I may have given you more than you asked for JB. I hope there aren’t too many typos.😕😇🙃