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I’m currently editing a new video I’ve been working on, and I thought a few of you might enjoy a glimpse into what that looks like.

In this video (and in most of my videos) I first record all the content in which I appear on screen, and then go back during another session to record all the audio that happens off screen. For this video, that meant about thirty minutes of video footage of me interacting with the camera, and then about two hours of audio files in which I’m examining ears and placing “experimental drops” in the ears. The final video will be about an hour long after editing.

This process is extremely time consuming and requires a lot of organization and patience—all the extra audio needs to be very carefully planned, executed, and marked so that I know what audio corresponds with which part of the video. It’s VERY easy to mix things up. However, this technique allows me significantly more control than I had a couple years ago when I would just record the whole thing in one combined take. That part where I first examine your left ear? I can do multiple audio takes, and then edit together the best parts of each take, making that brief little clip just right.

Multiply that by—in this instance—nineteen more otoscope exams and eighteen instances of applying “experimental solution” from a dropper into your ears.

Thank you, as always, for your support! You all are the reason I’m able to make these videos, and I’m so very grateful to you.

I’m hoping to have this video available for patrons a little later today—wish me luck!



Just a quick peek into my editing process.



Your hard work and skill are evident in every video you make. I knew it must have been hard, but I didn’t know just how much time and work went into editing. We cannot thank you enough.


Oh gosh wow that is soooooo complicated. I’ve always noticed that your production level is higher than most- with the green screens and sound quality and everything. I didn’t realize just HOW MUCH TIME you put into editing!! Thankyou so much for creating for us!