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Hey y'all! So, I had noticed that a number of YouTube content creators were being sponsored by the online counseling service, BetterHelp. As someone who has been in and out of therapy since childhood, I was really curious about what talk therapy online would be like. So, unprompted, and with my own money, I signed up for BetterHelp with the intent of doing a regular old non-sponsored review.

Coincidentally, three weeks into trying them, I got an email in my business account (I had signed up through my personal email) asking if I was interested in a sponsorship deal. Basically, I would provide a unique link for the service and then any time someone signed up through that link I would be paid a flat fee. After some careful thought, and since at that point I was already planning to do a favorable review, I agreed. Here's the thing:

While I'm planning to briefly discuss the service in a role play, as many other ASMRtists have done, I'd also like to provide some sort of dedicated review—either hosted here as a public post, or in video form. I've had easily over a hundred sponsorship offers over the life of my channel but have been super picky about what I accept. I take your trust in me very seriously. Since this is a paid service that could have a direct impact on your mental health, I want to make sure that I'm handling my recommendation with as much care and respect as possible.

So, which kind of review would YOU prefer: written, video, or both?



I also think both. I'm a visual person but not all are. Having just undergone training to be a workplace Mental Health First Aider I applaud you .


Hi JB. If you choose to do a video, please consider anchoring it differently (e.g. a different opening jingle than the normal asmr). I feel that watching a mental health service review should «take place» in another part of my system, and by now, your signature opening signals that I can put my guard down and just relax, and I hope to be able to keep it that way. Take care. Jim