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Hey y'all! Here's a quick update, along with a picture of my big pregnant belly. ;)

This baby's coming out next week. My doctors and I decided on a scheduled C-section, as this has been a high risk pregnancy (for a number of reasons). Baby boy and I are both doing well so far, though he seems to be growing increasingly frustrated with how cramped he is in there. I'm admittedly looking forward to being the only person living in my body again soon, and I think my very energetic children (5 years and 21 months, respectively) are looking forward to me being more mobile again.

I have a little more filming, audio recording, and editing I'd like to complete (as well as Patreon perks) before my due date. By early next week I should have 8-9 completed videos to spread out over the next couple months during my "maternity leave".

You are all very kind about always encouraging me to take it easy when I'm struggling, and I promise I'm not pushing myself any harder than is healthy. Working on videos and Patreon perks is often a comfort when I might otherwise be feeling exhausted or frustrated. Though I'm moving along slowly over here, and often behind schedule, I want to make sure you all know that I haven't forgotten about you!

Thank you all for your continued support, and please know that I'm thinking about you often with affection and gratitude.






Sending love to you!


Exiting ...... :D