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Hey y'all! Bear with me: it's 4 AM and my brain's not very sharp right now. However, I wanted to check in and give a comprehensive update, as well as a brief version.

SHORT UPDATE: I'm on track to be 100% fully caught up with perks by the end of this month. My baby is due to be born in the middle of next month. I'm working hard to prepare new content to be published soon, as well as additional content that I can save and publish during my "maternity leave".

LONG UPDATE: I'm on track to be 100% fully caught up with perks by the end of the month. I dropped some postcards in the mail this morning—postcard patrons, you may receive multiple postcards over the upcoming weeks while I catch up on what I owe you! I'll be recording video greetings after I post this update. Video credits and trigger assortments are coming soon. 

My baby will be born in the middle of next month (scheduled C-section, for medical reasons), assuming he doesn't surprise me by having an emergency and coming out early like my daughter did a year and a half ago. I'm in the process of creating both new content to be released over the next few weeks as well as content that I'll be saving and setting aside so I can still publish new videos during my "maternity leave". For those of you who are curious as to what that process looks like:

There are generally four steps to my video process.

1) Create script/outline

2) Record video

3) Record additional audio (necessary in at least half my videos)

4) Edit

Often, these four steps are split up into separate work sessions on separate days. For a variety of reasons, I'm fast approaching a point where I'm not going to want to be on a camera for a little while. It's just not super comfortable for me right now. SO, I've been focusing all my work sessions on steps 1 and 2, and leaving 3 and 4 for a later date. I currently have footage recorded for 8 new videos, with a few more planned. I'll be getting started on the audio and editing work as early as tonight, hopefully, so you should be seeing actual new content in your YouTube feed soon!

I hope that made sense and was interesting for those of you who like that kind of stuff. :)

Anyway, thank you SO MUCH for your continued support. Through all the challenges of this pregnancy I've been extremely grateful to have this channel as a creative outlet, and I'm so happy to have y'all along for the ride!





You should cancel rewards baloney, you've got too much on your plate and people support you to get more videos.


prayers for a happy healthy delivery. I'm so glad I found you on YouTube and I am new to being a patreon patron:)