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Hey y'all! I feel like all my updates lately are like, "Blah blah blah, I'm going through a challenging time, blah blah blah, thank you for your patience," and I feel bad about it. It's never my intention to be the Eeyore of ASMR or to cause anyone worry. However, when I'm struggling to keep up with comments, social media, and Patreon perks, I get really anxious that people will begin to feel that I'm not thinking about you or that I don't care.

The bottom line is that I'm okay and I have great support. I'm in reasonably good spirits, even. However, I've been needing way, way more rest than the average semi-functional human being. In addition to caring for my two wonderful but wild children, going through difficult medication changes (chronic depression and anxiety are difficult to treat in a balanced way during pregnancy), and being halfway though what has been a difficult pregnancy, I recently had a couple other things pop up.

I have strep, which requires me to take a medication that makes me super nauseous, and I was also recently diagnosed with a blood clotting issue/gene mutation that requires daily injections. It's all under control, Mr. Green is taking GREAT care of me, and I'm so thankful for good healthcare and health insurance. But, for now, just keeping up with self care is taking all my energy.

Basically, I'm going through a challenging time, thank you for your patience. ;)

Patrons: I'm still planning to catch up on perks as soon as I can. However, please know that if you feel you would prefer a refund for any late perks, you can let me know.




Jeremy Brett

Hi, Jellybean! Please don't apologize for any delays - you have a life and you have obligations. You're worth waiting for, so take all the time you need!