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He stood before the full-length mirror, admiring his toned physique as he prepared to transform from mild-mannered businessman to powerful superhero. He unbuttoned his crisp white shirt, revealing his chiseled abs one by one. His fingers traced down the ridges of muscle on his chest as he let out a deep breath, savoring the moment of solitude before embarking on another daring mission.

He slipped off his slacks, leaving him standing there in only his boxer briefs. The fabric clung tightly to his muscular thighs and firm buttocks, accentuating every curve and line of his body. Mark couldn't help but appreciate the sight before him – years of dedicated training had paid off handsomely.

With practiced ease, he reached behind his back and undid the clasp of his specially designed harness. As he pulled it forward, the material seemed almost alive, stretching and contorting itself until it formed a sleek suit that covered him from neck to toe. A metallic sheen reflected the dim light in the room, giving the appearance of armor plating over corded muscles.



Joseph Petersen

Cygnus. A shining star in southern cross, right next to an irresistible black hole

Scherza infida

Aside from the really hot suit and body, his face draws me in, especially in the first few images and the last one. 😍❤️