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Hello fellow children !

Even tho I was sick (and the cherry on the cake ; as if being sick wasn't enough, that one time of the month kicked in so I had a massive headache all morning haha at least I got pills that works for that), it was a pretty productive day ! I went to go buy coffee creamer so I'm ready for tomorrow and the rest of this week's streams, went to the laundromat, got the new rattie cage and built it, bought them some treats, a new food bowl and a little wooden chew toy with a hazelnut in it, put the hatebird in the huge ass cage so now he has much more space to fly around and shaded a few stuff :D

I'm feeling a bit better after taking these menstrual pills for my headache, aside from that runny nose, I drank a little potion I made this afternoon all day (water, ginger and lemon, it's delishoos, it tastes like "healing" !) so I'm growing stronger :) I napped a bit this afternoon also for like 45 minutes.

Tomorrow's stream will happen for sure ?

How was your weekend/day ? ~


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