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Look at this little thing ! It has like 5 or 6 weeks !

We were walking down the street to go do the laundry and we came across a guy that was looking at something on the ground next to a tree and it was a baby squirrel on the ground ! It was shaking, it was super cold out here and he was shaking (its body temperature is supposed to be 38°C and it was 5°C this early afternoon :0

My friend stayed by his side to wait if its mom was coming to get him, he stayed here and started to scream so his mother could find him and no squirrel came around after like 30-45 minutes ;-; after the panic screams, he started moving and came on my friend's legs and started to go in her shirt to get some warmth. We had no choice but to take him with us since it's against our values to let an animal die in the cold ! My friend called someone that was specialized in rescuing squirrels and she said to grab some milk powder for kittens and wrap him in a blankie so his body temperature will stay warm and if we took care of him that he would probably never be able to go back in the wild by himself since he would still need our help

Also the girl on the phone said that there's a few reasons why the baby is an orphan, it could be that the mom died or the nest got destroyed and he fell or it can also be that the mom moved the babies/nest to another spot and she dropped one. Apparently squirrels don't have a strong family bonding between eachother unlike cats that if the mom drop a baby she'll stop everything she does to go grab that baby :0

sooo welllll we have a pet squirrel now hello little guy



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