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Hello hello hello fellas,

If you're news savy, you've probably heard of Patreon losing a lawsuit and needing to pay reparation to a lot of people - Which could most certainly mean the end of the website as a company putting them bankrupt and leaving a lot of creators on the street to fend for themselves under an overpass, fighting to death over a can of beans. 

My buddybuddy Lia sent me a message this morning telling me some people are worried I won't have a backup if/when this site explodes. I'm ahead of ya. 😎 I've considered options to jump ship when they started to be more arbitrary with the suspensions over the last 18-24 months so I've already thought about alternatives and backup plans if shit hits the fan!

I always try to twist emergencies like this to my advantage (do some introspection and mood troubleshooting). With having to start anew on a new platform, I'll be able to review what could be causing that heavy anxious weight on my chest when I think about social engagement and what modifications can I make to go back to fully enjoying what I'm doing. 

I am currently eyeing subscribestar; I've sent a message to the support to ask questions and it didn't even take 10 minutes for them to get back to me, good service, haha. I will keep doing my thing here through august and pause september payments to allow the transition to go smoothly for people who'll want to stick around from day 1 :) (plus substar has less fees haha)

ANYWAY that's not for now; for now I will focus on my immediate to-do list while I plan the whole thing, set up the page, etc, so I don't have a link to give you yet. Just wanted to say that I have something in mind already, I'll give more deet later this month when the plan is more fleshed out. 



I'm gonna need a break to breathe away from my desk soon, I'm still conflicted as to when am I gonna take it lol (whether I take september off when switching ship since I'll pause payments and gulag my way through august without break or I take a week on aug 9th midway through the month to breathe and figure out september once we're there... EH I'll see how the week goes hah).

Might be some changes in the rewards but I expect it to be for some time while I take a breather and feel ready to consider adding more, like both archives, suggestions, polls are there to stay I just wanna take that opportunity to give a thought on the other things see what stresses me out and what to change to heal my  smooth brain haha.

PS. artdump being saved, art is being done, just have the mei pic still needed more work in the shading and cleaning department, comin' soon!!



Maybe this will give me the oprotunity to get a slot/commission out of ye

Bloody Rain

As much as I'm glad that you do have a back up plan, and that it's not needed for now, I hope we all can avoid having to switch to Subscribestar. Simply because I doesn't have a CC (and I honestly don't want one to begin with) and without Patreon being supported, I'm left out helpless if the switch ever happens : / I'm hoping Patreon can instead realize, that they'd just be fucking themselves if they'd push the lewd makers out.


If patreon does not go under will you stay here? I'd rather keep things here than start moving websites :/


That’s a big yikes. I’ll follow you wherever as the lurker that I am haha. I’ll take a look at subscribestars to see how it’s like


Love your work meru, no matter how ill find a way to get your wonderful art and show support <3


Doesn't matter if you decide to stay here or move to another site, I'll sub to you whenever you decide to stick around ^^


Meru, I mean this with the utmost respect but please be cautious about how much stock you put in the "Patreon is burning down" mentality that's been circulating lately. I feel like people are giving it WAY more credence than it actually has, and the fees Patreon may have to pay out to this hack comedian and his yuppies won't put a dent in them


Agreed completely with this. Patreon's been around a long time and made a ton of money. It's a mess of censorship for sure, but it's going to take a lot for this juggernaut to suddenly go bankrupt, lol


Very sad to hear. May be best to start up subscribestar *without* canceling Patreon first, rather than dumping all your (sizeable) eggs in one new basket all at once


I mean, I have no issue if she wants to have a subscribestar as well as Patreon, just like you said. If anything it leaves a safety net in case Patreon DOES implode somehow but also in case subscribestar doesn't work out for whatever reason.


I heard Ko-fi has a system like Patreon. Dunno if was already an option, but just in case.


Ouch, well whatever you decide to do keep us updated so that we can keep supporting you won't you?

Raven Night

Patreon is not going anywhere any time soon as there is still an appeals for any decisions a court makes especially when it comes to lawsuits and even IF Patreon continues to lose if they drag it out long enough then there is a good chance the the average joe plaintiff will run out of money forcing them to either settle out of court or for charges to be dismissed and due to Patreon Terms of Use could then be required to pay for legal fees, one loss does not equal burning ship


have you looked into fanbox by pixiv?


You realy should look into Fanbox as well, like a few people already said before, not all of us including me have a credit card and would be stranded without the possibility to continue supporting you. It's your decision in the end but you should realy think about this. Still hope you have a good time though, hope to see more of your art soon. :)


I prefer fanbox, it uses paypal.

Bryan Holland

So is this the end of the website as we know and love? Sure the website can be a bit strict (they don't accept debit and prepaid cards which is stupid) but without this website i don't know what happens to the artists here.