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With the current situation, I REFUSE to let you simp yourselves ✋🛑

The way patreon works is it retroactively charges people on the 1st for the previous month (ie. charges for January happen on February 1st & on the 2nd the next cycle begins). So you will be charged on April 1st for March, but won't be charged on May 1st for the month of April, so next big charge day will be June 1st (retroactive charge for May). I want you all to focus on yourselves.

It's not much but it might be the only way I think I can help any of you; it might remove a weight off your shoulders, that's a few bucks you'll be able to keep for them rice&beans, as well as removing a HUGE one off mine knowing I won't be reaching into your piggy-bank when you could use it on something wiser. Pretty exceptional moment we are living and I have a bit of savings I gathered through the last months for emergencies, I can survive skipping a pay, I don't spend all that much. It will also let me catchup on wips, social medias and care for my immediate circle without exponentially raising stress level and having an aneurysm, it's not the prime time for a trip to the hospital, haha.

Everything I started and had scheduled through March (including the suggestion post I just made) will be done in that period, I'll do my usual posts when I have wips collages to posts and big ol' archive updates. It will let me pick myself up by the bootstraps without constantly racing against the clock. Priority right now will be coloring and finishing the already lined&shaded wips (see last collage), dump 'em right in that archive, then move on to the March stuff that isn't yet lined or sketched (ie. last suggestion posts and last poll winners)

Please please please take care of yourselves, stay safe, be smart with your munz 'n munches, wash yo' hands, clean yo' room, stay at home and rest up ! Maybe download Raids:Shadow Legends, I don't fucking know (more seriously, hey Alyx just released, maybe have fun with that!)


Unrelated ; If you didn't know, pornhub made Premium free for everyone to keep quarantined coomers entertained :^) So that's something I guess.

Personal Health Rambling ; Anxiety's been a bit through the roof, working efficiently is almost impossible with having 'WHAT'S THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT ON THE SPREAD AND ENFORCEMENTS' on my mind and constantly worrying for relatives, I don't know how people do that year round lol. In the last 2-3 days I've also had weird sudden jabs in my calf/arm nerves, which I suspect is a mix of the current stress and poor lumbar support (cause it only happens at random when I'm sitting at my desk and doesn't happen much when I put my weight on the other side). I worked standing up for a pic & lately been sitting on the floor with my tablet to avoid it, it's more annoying than anything because it makes me jump like a weird nerve hiccup but I'll manage, troubleshooting is in progress! I bought a better ergonomic chair with extra lumbar support to replace my current cheap ikea shit, which is pending delivery, & I am taking my multivitamins in case it's a Vitamin D or B12 deficiency so don't worry about me :)  

Even if payments are paused, if you are still signed up you will still see new posts I do in April while I finish my backlogs- You can read from Patreon themselves how that shit works, it'll be better than any explanation I can give, hah. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/214013323-Pause-my-page-to-skip-a-month-of-billing-patrons  

In the next month if you have any ideas you wanna run by me/give me brainstorming fuel, raid that googleform, that'll give me some brainfood for when schej resumes; http://bit.ly/2DSzowA



Thanks king


Thank pls take care of your self :3


But i want to lose my money


Good deal, Meru! If you still need to make some income yourself, perhaps open up commissions a bit? I know I would jump at the chance.


Could you stop being so amazing for Two seconds? Goddamn


How thoughtful, don't overdo anything.


Wow, thanks ! But you know, as long as you take care of yourself and stay safe, that's all it really matters <3


you are amazing meru! thanks a lot for this


Can you select who's payment is paused and not? If yes, keep mine active. My job allow me to work from home so my situation don'T really change from the usual. To throw back the ball at you, keep my money for rice and bean.


My electrician Job still requires me to test devices in a big pharma company and i have money on the side, i really got enough to get over this, you got to think of yourself aswell Meru


This is really sweet but tbh you're still making that art and I'm happy to pay for it! If you have a dono Kofi I'll send my pledge there instead. ::)


Meru, thanks for this, simps for generations to come will remember this act of kindness and reward you kindly for the next months. Good luck with taking care of your health situation in all kinds, and thank you for your concern for us. 😌👌


Ya im fine. i love your drawings and have spare cash. So im fine if you do not pause my payments. If you do pause it for me. Is there still a way to donate to you?


I'm actually legit excited that you're getting a chair with some decent lumbar support! Makes a huge difference!


Appreciate it Meru. Please take care of yourself.


At the present time, it is really difficult to continue to work normally, especially for those whose work is related to movement and travel)) But we understand that staying at home is now more important in order to save this world.

Jack of Trades

You’re a blessing Meru! I hope you’re doing alright in the midst of all this chaos.


Just happy to see signs of life from you :) Looking forward to seeing all the great stuff you're working on. Hope you start streaming again soon - I got some happy wholesome lewd fanart of your Merucubbus I'll be posting soon as well <3


I am still working so I am okay to still patron. Our work load has increased big time as we provide medical ventilators.


I'm working from home too and am in a good spot financially. I'd like to still support ya if I can.





Valerio Sixx

Here, you dropped this King 👑


Any update on when things are getting back on track I miss seeing your art on Twitter