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Hey guys !

As stated at the top of the patreon page and after some weeks of nonstop continuous work, it's time to rest up for me ! That means the weekly patreon work/schedule will be paused as I will take a little moment to breathe after the last few weeks & I will complete the leftovers/backlogged pics there is and take care of my personal to-do list ! Thus I won't post daily summaries/wip collages & there won't be streams but I will try my best to poke my nose in the discord server once I got a clear mind free of the current leftover work pile.

Same for the next Friday doodles poll, I'll post it around next Saturday (1st) but anyway I posted a special mini poll for the next animation so at least that'll keep you busy for now :^) The stream and usual schedule will resume next Wednesday !

The doodles from the last poll took longer than expected to shade so they got delayed a bit, I am currently trucking through them & the doodles I did on the 24th so that's out of the way and can be free to actually recharge. I'll have a biiiig batch of stuff to dump in the archive in just a few days so again sorry for the delay hopefully it's worth it !

Otherwise I'll be doing some spring cleaning, brainstorm, charge my artsy batteries to full capacity again and come back EVEN STRONGER, JUST YOU TRY TO FRICKING STOP ME ??•??•???


My friend Darknud and I applied to have a naughty artist alley table at Montreal's Otakuthon this august (August 16-18) and we got the email back announcing that we officially have a table reserved in our name (we'll be sharing the same table so we'll be the black market hub for some fine ass to frame (get it, cause it sounds like fine art)), I already did some pics with the possibility of turning them into prints in mind so I'm already building my premium selection to showcase. I'm gonna touch them up a bit to get my first order ready.

Since it's my first ever table I'm only gonna have prints with me but I do have a little surprise knick knack to bring with me that's being manufactured as we speak. If everything goes well for my first time I'm gonna apply again for 2020 with more goodies up my sleeve :) I'll make sure to advertise leftovers I have post-con to manually ship them for the people that are to far to make it to the con and say hi to the bean lady in person haha. To name a few, the ones I got planned up to turn into prints fo-sho are the hex bunny, the zelda butt, the shantae ladies, the psg tight/bondage thing, the dragons crown trio that's currently in progress as well - I'm still considering some older pics to touch up and a couple new ideas to add to the bunch, I'm gauging a bit by looking at the attention the tweets of the pics get for the quantities and what could be worthy so still pondering options.


That's all I wanted to say ! I hope you all have a great week and I'll see you again in a few days when I have something to post ?

Thank you so much for your time, support & have a wonderful week/weekend !



This is a surprising and most welcome news! I'll make sure to pay the con a visit!


You know Darknud? Small world. XD Never been to Otakuthon, being all the way over in Ontario, but I might have to consider it.


Have a good rest dude, and congratulations! ^^


I was already planning on going to otakuthon. Happy to hear you'll be there! I'll be sure to pay a visit to the booth.

Jean-François Bédard

haww men... I'm at foot.. going to Montreal would be hard... anyway I'm not big into conventions and stuff.. but yeah it's great you come in Québec to pay a visit :D