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Hey guys !

As stated at the top of the patreon page and after every 6 weeks of nonstop work, it's break time for me ! That means the weekly patreon work/schedule will be paused as I will take a little moment to breathe after the last few weeks being so busy & I will complete the leftovers/backlogged pics there is and take care of my to-do list ! That means I won't post daily summaries/wip collages & there won't be streams but I will try my best to poke my nose in the discord server once I got a clear mind free of the current leftover workpile !

Same for the next friday doodle lineup poll, I'll post it around next saturday (9th) but anyway I made a special mini poll for the next animation so at least that'll keep you busy for now :^) The stream and usual schedule will resume next wednesday (13th) since usually I don't have any work left to do on the following monday/tuesday and I have a couple appointments to attend to.

I already lined the sketches I did friday, I'll complete them/get the remaining work out of the way and will update the archive in the next 2-3 days. Through the week I'll also take a moment to brainstorm so I might make a post like one of the previous time asking people's 2cents about some things to freshen my idea list.

Otherwise I'll be doing some spring cleaning, charge my artsy batteries to full capacity again and come back EVEN STRONGER, JUST YOU TRY TO FRICKING STOP ME ??•??•???

That's all I wanted to say ! I hope you all have a great week and I'll see you again in a few days when I have something to post ?

Thank you so much for your time, support & have a wonderful week/weekend !


TLDR : Work paused this week as usual to breathe, clean, see relatives, brainstorm and complete files gathering dust in my folders. Next poll post will be posted on the 9th and streams will resume on the 13th.


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