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HEY HEY I was feeling good enough today (swelling and bruises aside of course) to sit my butt at my PC and make this second post !

As you know I asked you to give me character or serie names you'd like me to check out and wished I'd draw at some point on here and twitter and I think that my 18 pages long list I have now is good for the moment haha - So it's time for the second part of the brainstorming sesh I wanted to make !

I would like you to check out this little googleform, very simple one ! If you recognize any characters in the list and have a pose or concept in mind, let me hear it ! You can suggest specific poses for some specific character, pairings and what they could do/where, something playing with canon elements to parody, etc.

Keep them relatively short and don't write a whole essay at the level of details and nitpicking of a commission form, maybe a sentence or two, think of it as a bit of a drawthread request thing :) 

You can send many of them if you feel like it, write a list to send as one post or send multiple responses to this form, I don't mind, it's anonymous anyway !

I'd rather you have send them via the form to have them all at the same place too but still going to put the list here ! When I randomly remember characters I add them in so it is subject to future editing !

THE LIST (also linked in the form) :https://docs.google.com/document/d/15sMymwnaEJfya-h7O5uXVdxJyE4axI2r6Zbua2AKm8k/edit?usp=sharing

THE FORM !!! :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTLJhnx6WqD7Mp-dmNwY3QMDXH1gm8-j6wfaJNqrVs1pXDzw/viewform

I'm going back to bed now, the bright lights of my monitors are making me dizzy but I will check the responses out from my phone !


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