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Hey guys ! Someone brought to my attention that they weren't seeing a few of the files of the google drive archive and when I switched my folder to the same view as theirs I noticed little icons on a few pics saying it was hidden so some of them were disappearing from the folder at random (weirdly enough it's usually only one or two pics out of bigger sets), It's nothing huge or dramatic, just annoying to give you uncompleted photosets in the archive haha

At first I tried dropbox but it was apparently a failure so I'm syncing with MEGA right now, let's see how it goes ! It seems to be working fine when it comes to sorting by date added, at least, in the last folder (2018) on desktop and on the mobile app, let me know how it goes !

Here is it !



Jean-François Bédard

it's normal they are not really in Last Added order.. since it's random when you add all the files.. but next batch will be added afterward and we'll be able to seperate them from the rest ^^

Jean-François Bédard

normally.. we could just sort them by last added after this batch, they should be last in Queue !!! except if you re-upload everything :P


I can't seem to be able to sort it on mobile, that's my only concern because some people don't own desktops in 2018 and I'll never hear the end of it hahaha


I don’t know if I’m just failing miserably. But couldn’t figure out anyway to sort it. Nor download without signing up to mega. Which could be a minor annoyance.

Jean-François Bédard

you can direct download.. normally there's an option upper right .. no need to sub or anything normally... it turns it into a .zip of all the selected files


You could still do it how you did it before on Google Drive - it works like windows explorer, you can sort stuff by what date added to the folder. You shouldn't have to change anything

Todd Whitesel

can i petition for monthly folders in the more recent years? for those of us just getting started, the most recent years are a LOT of data to snarf down.


I vote for monthly folders, mostly for organizational purposes.


Yep now that it's done downloading and syncing I just woke up & cheked the app and the app allows sorting and my 2018 folder on desktop seem to be in order with the most recent stuff at the top being misty and the chompers/sportccubus ! That's a relief haha


Sorting works fine using the iOS mega app.


You can probably just add a number before your file name and give us the number to start at.


Hey, it sucks that this is frustrating for you, but your fans really appreciate the effort you're putting in to make your awesome content easier to access. You're awesome for doing it and thank you!


I really have to thank you that you went for this much effort for all of us. To find a solution to make it easy accessable for us all. Thank you, you´re doing great


yes it was great seeing you even found lost art!


Can you share a list of the filenames from this batch? Even sorting by date added it's coming up in alphabetical order since they were all added in the same upload batch. Won't be an issue moving forward, but I've got no idea what these files are even named to go digging for them this time :p


Does sorting them by date added work? Seeing as they were all uploaded on the same day