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Next week/this weekend the new way and rules will be applies but this week we'll do the previous rules one last time :)


You have 'til like the middle of the night to comments since I'm gonna pick some ideas tomorrow morning while having my coffee before the stream ! I'll only be able to pick 3-4 ideasso comment wisely ;3 (if yours isn't taken, dun be sad, there's alwaysnext thursday/friday !). Usually if I really like specific ideas I couldn't do on Fanart Friday I'll eventually add them to my googledoc.


Here are the basic rules !

> Fanart only !

> Be as detailed as you want if you have a specific thing to suggest on your mind (pose, angle, speechbubble content, etc) or as vague as you want in case I am already feeling inspired after seeing the character suggested ~

> You can go for any theme ! Lewd pinups, chibis, any fetishes and kinks - If I have never drawn the fetish you are suggesting be sure to link a reference :)

> If it's a parody or redraw of a scene, I would like to see the original as proper reference !

> You can suggest 1 idea ; Remember that there's one of those every weeks ! But you CAN list a few different situations/options for your character idea, it does help !

> You can suggest the same one as last week if it didn't get picked, sometimes I can't pick all of those I want to do because of time restriction :) We never know ! If I did like the idea I will hit your comment with a "like" so you'll know commenting it a second time on the next week won't be a waste ~

> Note that they aren't quite requests or free commissions ; I will not do all of them ! I'll pick my favourite Friday morning before the stream - Might save some of them for later (for personal doodles, for example) if I like the ideas but don't have time to doodle them ! Also I might add my touch and tweak some details to your idea if it's overdetailed or I get possessed by the creativity demon while I read your idea or I doodle it ! :)




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