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Hey guys !

I've been thinking about a small edit/addition to the 10$ and the 20$ tier - I'm telling you right now in case you would like to edit your pledge for next month :) All the changes will be applied in October !

Basically I really like the idea of having weekly polls but I have absolutely no time at all to fit a poll/day to doodle the most voted choice of the poll - I have a never ending/always growing list of ideas and characters I wanna draw but I can't do any UNLESS I pull an all nighter to do one or two of them and check them off the list - and some of those ideas have been gathering dust in there for YEARS !

So I am thinking about making the doodling of suggested ideas ONLY (not my own, all yours) every two weeks, while the other weeks inbetween will be my own. Basically Week A being patreon/suggestion-week, Week B is Meru-week. So we won't be calling the fridays streams Fanart Fridays anymore as even in my personal weeks I might add some ideas involving my succubus or some other artists's OC so it'll just be a doodle day/chill friday :)

So here are basically the changes that should be done to the 10$ and the 20$ tiers in details :

- 10$ TIER -

+ Weekly polls for what to pick to sketch on fridays - you would now have a say in what you want to see and shall be done. Polls would be about 10 ideas long (character + theme/fetish to keep it short in the poll choices) and I would pick the 4-5 most voted ones - Gonna link a collage showing what all the options/characters look like everytime.

Patreon suggestions (20$ tier) will only be 1 week out of 2 - so week A is your suggestions only, week B would be my ideas only, and so on so we have a nice balance of what I want to do and what You want to get - There will be polls on the MeruWeeks as well - I will attempt to keep the polls as varied as I can in the thematics - Pokemons, Pinups, ABDL/omo, tentacles, OCs, etc. For some of the ideas I have that are simply characters or general themes, I will brainstorm what scenarios should be done for them/work out the details for the polls winners in the discord channel with you guys like I used to do in the livechat of public streams back when I hosted some.

So it won't be my pick only like atm, but your pick ! I always loved the idea of having an overview of what to expect in the next weeks and having influence of what should be done so I thought it would be cool to add that :)

- 20$ TIER -

+ Instead of FANART ONLY and only 1 idea/person, I will allow Original Characters BUT you must suggest 1 OC AND 1 Fanart - both, otherwise it doesn't count (if you don't have an OC though 2 fanart suggestions work I guess haha). I will pick one of the two and add it to the poll. You shall link my an IMGUR album/shared googledrive/dropbox to your references. Actual references for the OCs, for the fanart idea you can just post a pic or two of what the character looks like in the source material.

+ Instead of commenting and resetting the list to 0 every weeks and get the past ideas lost in the void, I will list them all (well, the idea of the two I am picking to add to the poll) in a googledoc. To avoid people editing the list/deleting other people's ideas or nuking the whole list, I will add the ideas to the google doc myself, you shall still comment on a weekly post but the post would be done on friday night/saturday to give you a few days/the whole weekend to gather refs/come up with something.

+ 50$ TIER can only vote in the polls, no suggesting ! You already get your own idea drawn in every single details you ask for every month guaranteed, leave some Meru for the others ;)

+ As stated above, Patreon suggestions will only be every two weeks.

+ When suggesting you shall suggest your two characters idea and a theme/fetish/kink/situation to go with them so we can keep the list short and simple, no huge walls of text (try to keep it summed up in a few words), we will brainstorm the ideas in the brainstorm channel of the discord. If you only suggest me the character and no details for the theme at all, I will probably just do a simple cute thing, being a chibi or a pinup.


So nothing intense or drastic, just tweaking a bit one of them and adding some perks :)


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