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This show is absolutely phenomenal, man. I have no words. Only tears, hype, and anticipation. Enjoy. 




Surprisingly satisfying finale! Cannot believe I shed tears for Fukuchi lol. Fukuzawa going from the zen state of 'no thoughts, no mind, no need, no self' to totally losing control of his emotions is just heartbreaking to watch, really shows how deeply he cares about his people under that stoic exterior. I even feel a bit reluctant to see Frydor die because he's a great villain whose arc doesn't seem to be done yet. The guy at the end looks like Fukuchi with the hair and the scars on his face, new hype! Thanks for the amazing reactions!


I really hope Sigma's just in coma from information overload, not dead 😢 Asagiri-sensei said that he love Sigma, but come to think of it, his favorite character is Oda, and Oda's dead. That's why I'm scare for Sigma 😭😭. I doubt if Fyodor's really dead. We still don't know his ability, and what I saw in Dead Apple gave me suspect about that (you might remember that he and his ability didn't fight each other, and they said "I am Crime" and "I am Punishment"). Besides, when Sigma touched him, he seemed to learn something (in manga, after touching Fyodor, Sigma really looked horrified with the information he received, and he said to himself “I need to warn ADA about this", but before doing that, he passed out.) I think Asagiri-sensei and the animators work together because they said in the interview that Asagiri-sensei always joined their meeting. Plus, they animated the scenes in episode 10 quite faithfully (those scenes just released in manga in the beginning of this month). So I don't think manga and anime goes to a different direction (some details might be changed, but I think at least the main plot stay the same). I gonna read the monthly chapters to see what details they left out or altered. It probably takes at least a couple month to catch up with the anime.


I really hope he isn't dead. We need to know more about Fyodor. Also, Sigma needs to join the Agency. Please let this happen. :)


Thanks for watching. Yeah, I wonder if this is an alternate timeline at the end.


This was such a journey, I'm happy to have your reactions every week, I looked forward to it! Love your genuine love for BSD. While waiting, you might want to check out the BSD: Beast LN or manga series!!! Aku is the protagonist here and it's dark and so heartbreakingly well-written. The manga art style is also incredible. Pls give it a try and join us in wishing for it to be animated before S6 hopefully haha! Thanks again <3


I'm going to hold off and see if that gets animated. Thanks for coming along on this ride. Feel free to check out some of my other reactions. ;)