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Lets go! Episode 1 of the Live Action was good! Enjoy!



Roronoa Zoro

To think the first live action you’d do is OP. So far i think this is the best Live Action anime I’ve seen. Also that first scene with zoro is mentioned during the anime but we never see it. When boroque works is introduced zoro mentioned how he was recruited but turned them down


Aaaah you're 100% right. He does mention that. That's so cool they added that scene in. It was such a sick scene, too. Technically, Chucky S2 was the first but I stopped doing it. 😉


I've watched 5 episodes so far, and they've changed some things, and shown things that are only mentioned later in the anime. But all in all, I think it's for the better. It grounds it more to reality, than the over the top troupes that works well for an anime. So as a massive One Piece fan, I have to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying the show. They've done such a good job!


That's awesome to hear. Looks like the curse really has been broken.