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I'm back with more Ninjago! This first episode was a lot of fun and I'm curious to see how Lloyd becomes older! 




sorry i know this is old and u probably know this but i always thought the implications were that , the boarding school for bad boys was like to actually develop evil skills and use them for evil and like harness it 😂 and that lloyd wasn’t evil enough which is why they kicked him out. feel kinda bad thinking about what he must have endured there, but at least the tv show never mentions it again, so it couldnt have been thaaaaat bad 🥴🥴


That's what it sounds like to me. He was sent there to cultivate his evil, but got kicked out because he really wasn't evil. Strange that Misako sent him there. XD


to prevent the prophecy of the green ninja or whatever i’m assuming, so that if he was evil , he wouldnt be able to become the green ninja. misako literally could’ve just brought him to a regular boarding school where he Wouldn’t have tried to run away and misako’s plan would’ve worked 🙄 but instead chose to bring him someplace that could and would kick lloyd out. also the whole abandoned child thing. and the love triangle thing -_-, so technically it’s all misako’s fault everything snowballed into what it is now XD