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Not a bad start to this Superman series. Pretty cool that Slade was thrown in already, and I can only assume that's Amanda Waller. Also, I realized that is Livewire, or at least I think it is. What did you think of the first 2 episodes? Would you like me to check out episode 3?


My Adventures with Superman Episode 1 & 2 Full Reaction

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Nyte's Halo

Confirming, yes Leslie Willis is Livewire, though they went completely left center with her origin. I've never been a big fan of how they consistently change origin stories for characters. Originally she was a DJ that got got electrocuted inadvertently when Supes was trying to save her from a stage stuck by lightning and the electricity went through him into her. Here they completely turned her into an arms dealer. Kinda takes away from her somewhat justified hatred of Superman in the original version, and any sympathy one might have felt in her drive for revenge, even if she wasn't the greatest person to begin with


OOOOOH YES! I remember that OG story for Livewire. So nostalgic. True, I can see why some might not like this version. I'm curious to see if they expand on it more and will hold judgment for a bit.

Charlie baker

definitely check out the rest and yeah love smallville.also totally dint catch the white haired dude is Deathstroke good catch


I only caught it because of the subtitles, tbh. I'm happy he is in this series, though.