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This series gets more and more interesting with each episode. It's blowing my mind a bit. XD I want to see more troublemakers! LOL! Phantom Solitaire is absolutely hilarious! Who else is enjoying DMDP?


Dead Mount Death Play Episode 7 Full Reaction

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cody fox

I think by elementals they more meant that like dragons this world had the concept of elementals that existed in the corpse gods world. With phantom solitaire then meaning that the fire breathing bugs techniques were like if an elemental actually existed

Nyte's Halo

The part with the spies was better in the manga. He first asked to be alone so only a couple left, but since CG could see them, he pointed out the ones in the roof had to go as well. Made it much more telling to them that he knew they were there


Just to clarify there is no elementals like fire spirit or water spirit in "our" world in this show. Polka was reading a book about fantasy creatures, but in his world they are real. The divide what is in this manga story for our world is sometimes blurry in this story, so who knows in the future if there actually is spirits :D


Yeah should have clearly made it that Polka pointed out the spies that he knew where they were like in the manga.


Solitaire is funny =), you will love seeing him more doing magic tricks =)


Yeah, it felt wonky. Like a portion of that entire scene was missing.