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Too much sweetness, man. Diabetes acting up. LMAO! I'm happy we got a peek at Anna's mother. Who else would like to see more of her?


The Dangers in My Heart Episode 8 Full Reaction

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i believe Yamada was shocked in the hallway because his mother asked if he knew the name of the girl who was "stunning and pretty" and was embarrassed when he instantly replied with "Yamada" not knowing he already knew his mother was talking with her earlier and probably thinks he sees her as the prettiest girl in his class.

Roronoa Zoro

When Yamada’s mother talked about the puruche incident. She’s referring to the episode where ichikawa and yamada went to the science lab and made that strawberry concoction. They got in trouble for it cause it’s a snack which isn’t allowed at school


Thanks. I remember the scene but couldn't remember the name of the snack. Unfortunate. Lol.

Nyte's Halo

If you think this show is diabetes, then "My Clueless First Friend" or "Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible" would be a death sentence. Hard to really get a read on Yamada's mom. Not sure if it's just trying to teach her proper decorum or if she's just super strict because of the modeling


I can't handle anything sweeter.. XD Yeah, I'm hoping we get more time with Anna's mom at some point. I'd like a clearer picture.