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I believe I only watched episode 1 of this back in the day, so here we are giving this one another shot thanks to Hugh! Thanks for the support dude. :) 



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Ryuuji Gremory

There is a pretty good chance that you indeed have seen Rory/The Goth loli in some artwork/fanart, she is/was pretty popular.


...Honestly, it's been a LONG 6 years since when you last reacted to this series' premiere & then dealt with copyright strikes across many reactions that led you to vanishing for awhile... sooner or later, you'll finish all previously started 2015 shows! XD


"Work For Your Hobbies," now that's a motto I can get behind & follow myself, cause fuck working for the sake of working, I'd rather work to make money to spend frivolously on hobbies like anime, manga, video games, food! Lol


Yes, indeed, "isekai" has overrun the manga/anime/light novel entertainment industries over the past half decade or so... and I am all for it, I am isekai trash! Haha


I will say, be prepared for some folks to complain about this series, because apparently, you can't like a show if it's being "pro" anything, and in this case, the issue is that it paints the JSDF in a good light and seems to be a massive recruitment scheme to them? I mean, if a series is good, who cares if it makes one nation's military the "good guys" of a story tbh


So fun fact, the "mmo on his phone" scene that you didn't remember, was what you used for the 2015 reaction thumbnail, I can still remember the close-up of his face in that gear clearly on your channel!


Doujinshi are fan created works, both SFW and NSFW, as Japan has a significant market for both avenues, though sometimes it is cracked down upon if the author of series publicly criticizes/targets un-approved fan creations, while some creators are far more open about letting them prosper so long as they're not marketed as the official version of the actual story.


It's also very likely you feel that way about that "gothic lolita" chick because I've been a very openly passionate fan of Gate, sharing artwork and songs from this series in the discord, on twitter, and even during your streams! I think I even song-requested her theme during one of your initial DBFZ streams way, way back.


I have a feeling that's it tbh. I know I didn't watch this past episode 1.


Totally agree. Why work if you can't enjoy your time off and the money you earned?


I'll either ignore those comments or actually put them in their place. We shall see how I feel on that given day. Lol


I've heard the name but I couldn't remember if it was always NSFW or not. I knew they were fanfics of some kind.


That's probably part of it. I know I've seen her online before.