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DanMachi Season 2, Episode 2 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to DanMachi Season 2, Episode 2!



I cant wait to see how Bell will get stronger.. i mean the complet System in this World is, like we saw, that you cant beat someone who is even 1 Level higher then you are.. And the Leveling itself is normaly something that cant be done in a fast way.. Before Bell broke the Record, Aiz was the one who leveled up as fastest Person in the History. And she needed still 1 Full Year to only Level up from Level 1 to Level 2. And Bell leveled up from Lvl 1 to Lvl 2 in 1 1/2 Months thx to his Special Skill Liaris Freese.. But Apollo.. god damed thats such an ugly perverted God.. i hope they kick his Ass so hard that he runs back to Heaven, crying like a Baby ^^


Haha. Apollo needs to be put in his place and so does his Rank 3 Ace. XD


I dont know if you know this Details ( They are from the Light Novel) but it shows how hard the Leveling and all is ( Details about the Level Process and the Basic Abilitys) Level (レベル): A level shows the rank of an adventurer. The status of an adventurer is considered to be secret information but the level of an adventurer is required to be reported and is shown to others. Most adventurers are Level 1, and currently the only Level 7s are Ottar of the Freya Familia and one other unknown person. Just defeating monsters doesn't lead to a level up. To level up, one must have a D rank in at least one Basic Ability and accomplish something that even the Gods would be impressed with, such as defeating a stronger monster. Leveling up is hard to do outside of Orario due to the only Dungeon being located there, and Level 3 outside of Orario is considered to be excellent. Aiz Wallenstein reached Level 2 within a year, becoming the fastest person to reach Level 2 at the time until Bell broke that record.


Basic Abilities (基本アビリティ): The Basic Abitities are Power, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, and Magic. Each one is shown with a rank and a number from 0-999. 0-99 is I, 100-199 is H, 200-299 is G, 300-399 is F, 400-499 is E, 500-599 is D, 600-699 is C, 700-799 is B, 800-899 is A, and 900-999 is S ( if you follow this pattern, then SS is 1000-1099, and SSS is 1100+ ). Basic Abilities can be raised through excilia gained from training and battles. Basic Abilities reset to I0 at every level up although the abilities gained before each level up will remain as an invisible base. It is normally impossible to go past S rank, though Bell Cranel has done this through Liaris Freese, having had statuses at SS and SSS rank.

Jake Thompson

The Archer is Miach's Familia member, she was in a red dress last episode, who he asked to dance, setting an example for Bell who was struggling to ask Ains. As for Takemikazuchi's Familia, in season 1 they were in a bad way and ended up running through Bell's party to "lose" the aggro of the monsters chasing them. It's known as a "pass parade" and really endangered Bell and the crew, hence their desperate flight down to the safe level. They apologized for putting Bell in danger but Ouka (the leader of that party) said he'd do the same thing again to save his comrades. Lili and Welf were heated about it but Bell said he'd do the same if his party were in dire straights. Since then they've gained a mutual respect for each other.

Jake Thompson

Also, I found it funny that Hestia's VA is the same as Rem's in Re:Zero, so she stays confessing to dudes only to get denied.


That's right. I remember him saying that about doing it again. Thanks for reminding me.

Jake Thompson

One other thing to mention, "prum" is the name for the small halfing sized people like Lili and the dick from the tavern. She puts on the fake ears to look like a beast person since she was hiding from her familia.


Honestly, this episode's animation/music/sound effects/art style just oozed passion from the production team over at JC Staff, it's easy to tell they truly care about the series and want to adapt as best as humanly possible. And it's well known that when studios truly care about a series, instead of doing it just for profits, it'll end up being leagues better without a doubt!


Great reaction as usual, and you are certainly not alone when it comes to how quickly the episode went by, cause even though I know what's gonna happen, it still left me impressed and surprised when it ended... damn it, can next Friday come faster?! XD


"Lil Lili," back in Season 1, tried to escape the Soma Familia multiple times and was always beaten & dragged back by the members, who don't even worship their god, but are there solely for the incredibly powerful Soma Wine that supposedly intoxicates your very soul... So when Bell saved her after some members trapped her, stole all her goods, and left her to die from a Killer Ants Swarm (of their doing), she let them believe she died then and never went back to the Familia. However, actually leaving a Familia's more complicated than just simply "running away," as you must have the Falna (the God's Blessing on Adventurers' backside allowing them to gain XP & grow stronger) removed by said Familia God/Goddes... and there's usually requirements depending on the deity. 1) Permission from the God/Goddess to leave. 2) Familia Set Rules (Like the Soma Familia's Rule, you must pay an incredible fine to leave, which has stopped Lili from officially leaving it.) (Side Note, yes, the Soma Familias members who left Lili to die back in S1 are dead, because of their greed, they opened up the Minotaur's Cage (the one Ottarl trained) and unleashed it on the Upper Floors, thinking it might have been some treasure... but well, said Minotaur killed them on screen for our pleasure.)


Last time Bell actively trained was just with Ais atop the City Wall as a Level 1 Rookie, but now our Rabbit Boy's Level 2 and being personally trained by Ais AND Tiona, two top tier adventurers. Ais is Level 6 and so is Tiona, so he'll get the hell beaten outta him, but he'll definitely grow stronger! Lol


Its only that they translate it a bit wrong. I mean it almost sounds like that when they speak it out in Japanese, but its actually Pallum.


Our dude is about to grow stronger. Can't wait to see little bunny become a monster1