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We finally made it to the final match of the New Series Tournament #3! You'll see some strong contenders below, so cast your votes wisely. Remember that the winner and runner-up will be the series to be watched next! This will be a shorter match and will end on Tuesday 4-9. After this set of series, I am going to take a small break to focus on those manga lets reads and reviews/comparisons based off my memory. Basically, for JoJoniums, will watch do lets reads over on breach.tv and then I'll do the typical review and link the lets read for everyone later. I plan on doing this for JoJo, The Promised Neverland(Up to end of S1), and Tokyo Ghoul which will be fun since I only watched the anime which is a screw up anyway. XD 

PS. Wish there was a way to allow 2 votes to be made since we watch the winner and runner-up. It would make sense for you all to be able to vote on 2 series, right? 



What does the "+" next to GGO mean?


I wanted to see Kyoukai no kanata #KyotoAnimation XD , but maybe another time :P the 2 winners are really good. But the second half of SAO is a bit like Kabaneri last 4 eps, but SAO as a all is kinda a mindless enjoying serie anyways XD


Luckily I already watched first season of SAO, so I already am pass the ALO part.