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Noragami Episode 9 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to Noragami Episode 9!



Fuck, as if the previous 3 episodes weren't emotionally charged enough, this episode comes bursting through the wall like the Kool-aid Man and sucker punches the viewer(s) in the stomach... it's easily my favorite episode of Season 1, it has so much going for it that it still makes my heart hurt & my eyes well up with tears... what I would give to see how people reacted to this episode the week it dropped back in 2014!


Sure, it's not important information, but I can see why this show is still a notable reason why Studio Bones is so well known on the anime scene, even before they hit superstardom with their work on My Hero Academia a few years after this series aired... this was just so damn good, I'm a proud Studio Bones follower and this just makes me want to watch more of their productions! XD


If Naruto's taught me anything, it's that we should associate swings with loneliness, especially if it's a character sitting by themselves... jokes aside, I can understand and feel for what Yukine's going through, it's a common story element where the dead are envious of the living, but that doesn't mean I'd allow it to happen... shit's tough, wishing for something you're ultimately unable to grasp entirely...


It was so cool to see an honest, serious Yato take up the proper role of a "father figure" for Yukine, though he had been deliberately doing stuff to help him grow and learn as a person over the past several episodes, this was the best showcase of how doting/loving/caring this god can be towards those around him... it was nice to see him break away from his normally playful, "shit eating grin" broke god to connect with Yukine!