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The Seven Deadly Sins S2, Episode 23 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to The Seven Deadly Sins S2, Episode 23!



Ngl, Merlin being immune to Commandments is kind of a straight asspull. It was very obviously just a way for the author to write her back into the story because he couldn't figure out how to undo Galand's Commandment. She just conveniently forgets that she's immune and let's herself get turned to stone??? Ah well...


Merlin's lineage isn't what makes her live so long, it's her magical ability, "Infinity," that enabled her to cast a spell that stopped her own "time," the aging process of humans, and it's still running indefinitely without magic consumption till she decides when she wants to start aging again.


Yep. Pretty sure i mention i get it somewhere in the reactions. Still want to know the deal with her father though. I mention her magic ability Infinity


Merlin is not a Demon or Godess, she is a Human, but she lives as long as Meliodas, thats why the Commandaments knew her, but sadly, here again we need to wait for future Seasons to become a explanation who Merlin is. The only hint we have become is, that she must have make some Sort of a Deal to become Power from the Demon King himself, since she can dispell the Power of theCommandaments even the 10 Commandaments cant dispell ( only the Demon King, who gave away this Power, can do it) Infinity「無限インフィ二ティ Mugen (Infiniti)」: An ability that allows Merlin to stop the time of her spells, causing them to last for eternity. The ability is so powerful that many label it as 'cheating'.


If you check back at the dialog between Meliodas and his father, every time he goes to purgatory, the Demon King consumes part of his soul. That’s why he lost some of his emotions and returned to his former self.