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Goblin Slayer Episode 9 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to Goblin Slayer Episode 9!



Do you remember when the Hero first made her appearance last episode or so ago? We can assume that Skeletal Demon Lord minion was the mastermind, the controller of the eyeball that was guarding the mirror, and he died to the Hero so the eyeball was left without orders. His sect was trying to do something, planting the mirror and transporting Goblins, as I understand it, and the Sword Maiden knew something was going on through their Alligator Familiar, but could not proceed further as the eyeball was a serious threat..and so is her instinctual fear of Goblins that cause her to break down, but with GS's help, she's slowly overcoming that little by little.


And I think that tiny salamander's either another familiar used to monitor people closeby, or it's just anime being anime by animating weird shots lol


Sword Maiden wants Goblin Slayer to "save" her from her fears, her terrors, her nightmares that always bring back the horrendous memories of goblins, the sole creatures she truly fears and cannot stand against, so she's been seeking salvation, a rescue from someone that could destroy them. Goblin Slayer's actions have been sung up by the bards, but he's essentially the living embodiment of what she's searching for, a person that could save her from her fear. And I can see how the episode's confusing too