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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Episode 10 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Episode 10



They have a " Power System" in this World for both Adventurer and Monster , i dont know when it get introduced, so i let it short, but it shows a bit about the " power difference" between the Goblins and the Ogre. ( The Rank for Humans and Adventurers are decide by their Skill while Monsters are decide by their Magic Amount EP ( EP means Estimated Power): not by their skill thus even though there are Monsters with the same A Rank, sometimes there's a very large difference in their power. ) This System has for Monster the Category F-A+, there are some more powerful Categorys for Monster above A+, but that is too much in the Spoiler Part. F is for Monster that are the weakest and A is for the strongest normal Monsters. The Goblins are, before they evolve, Category F Monster, and after Rimuru gave them all Names, the Hobgoblins and Goblinas rise to Category C in there Power. The Ogre, on the Other Hand, are Category B even without a Name, and after Rimuru gave them Names, they rise to Category A, they are now only a bit weaker then Rimuru, who is at this Point Category A+. Unevolved Orcs are between Category D and C, and the Orc Lord is Category A. Btw: At the present, an A class monster is capable of jeopardizing the existence of a small country.


That's fucking insane. An A class monster can do that? Fuck dude.


Okay so while the translation for this series lists the Ogres' evolution as "Kijin" but it's more accurate to refer to them as "Oni" now, and it's also easier on the tongue. Much like how this translation also denotes "demons" as "Majin," it's sorta odd, but I prefer "demon" and "oni" which the manga/LN translations use.